Saturday, February 20, 2010

Gospel Miracle Crusade in the Philippines

The Danish evangelist Peter Capili Hansen and his team from Sweden and Denmark recently had an evangelistic outreach with humanitarian relief in the Philippines.

Evangelist Peter has been involved with evangelistic mission and relief work in many places in Europe, Ethiopia and Philippines since he started to preach the gospel when he was 17 years old. Philippines is a place where Peter and his wife, Abby especially love to be in. They have literally been across the Philippines preaching in cities, villages, jungles and open squares and seen hundreds of people saved and transformed by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Most recently, they went to Lapu-Lapu City in Cebu. Alongside the gospel miracle crusade, they also gave rice and food to poor and homeless children and their families in cooperation with a local ministry called "Feeding the Children" founded by Pastor Robert Cuenca.

The crusade was held at the parking lot of a shopping mall for three nights. There were many churches from different denominations involved in this special evangelistic crusade right there on the parking lot of Marina Mall. They put up a stage, chairs and speakers. During the meetings more and more people came by to listen. There was a lady the first night that was out shopping and while she was on her way home, she noticed the crusade meeting on the parking lot and she got curious and wanted to see and listen. In the prayer for the sick, she got healed in her back. All pain disappeared!

Evangelist Peter was preaching a very radical gospel sermon that night and many people committed their lives to Jesus that night. After the service more people claimed to be healed in their bodies.

The rumours spread about the meetings and the following two nights around 8000 people in all attended the meetings on the shopping mall parking lot! First, Evangelist Peter was speaking about Christ as our healer and that Jesus could heal even today. Then he prayed for the sick and many experienced a healing touch in their bodies. After praying for the sick he started to preach the gospel with great boldness about salvation, hell, repentance, sin and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Hundreds of people responded to the gospel preaching and wanted to follow Jesus and believe in Him.

Peter explained: "This is what evangelism is about, being out there in the street, just like in the bible. Being face to face with non-believers who did not expect to hear about Jesus. I want to bring the gospel to the people and street crusades are a great tool and I wish more Christians do this. Preaching the full gospel and healing the sick where people are."

In these three crusade nights in Lapu-Lapu, the Word of God was planted in the hearts of thousands and many heard the full gospel being preached for the first time.

Alongside the crusade, the team also visited the dumpsites, a public school and a feeding program for homeless children. In these different locations they preached the gospel to thousands of children and gave out food packages as well.

After the mission on Lapu-Lapu they went on to another Island called Dumaguete where they continued to preach the gospel in a crusade by the beach! They also gave out gifts for hundreds of kids and rice bags for families in the villages around the beach resort. Many people publicly declared that they wanted to follow Jesus Christ and were added to the church.

Peter Capili Hansen and his team are already planning the next outreach and has a hope that they will be able to reach out in these kinds of outreaches every month.

Abby & Peter Capili Hansen are the founders of Gospel Miracle Ministries and Angel Relief International. Angel Relief is a Christian humanitarian relief and aid charity. About the ministries visit and and

Ron Ramos